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What are the Common Symptoms of Menopause?

What you may refer to as menopause may actually be perimenopause, which is the period when most of the changes occur in your body due to fluctuations and decreases in hormone levels. Menopause actually refers to the time when you have not had a menstrual period for at least 12 months. At that time, you are said to be in menopause. Before that, you are in perimenopause. While it can be difficult to know why you are feeling the way that you do, there are several common signs and symptoms that point strongly towards menopause. Menstrual Cycle Changes First, you will notice that your period is not as regular as it once was. You may go longer between periods, and you may notice that bleeding is more or less than it used to be. You may also see spotting between periods. However, you should keep in mind that you can still get pregnant during this time. Hot Flashes This is one of the most frequent complaints among women, and hot flashes can be some of the most irritating symptoms as well. You may feel sweaty frequently, and this can even wake you from sleep. Trouble Sleeping Insomnia is a very real problem for many women during this phase of life. Some women may struggle to get to sleep while others fall asleep quickly but cannot stay asleep throughout the night. Sexual Changes Your hormones are what keep your vagina moist and healthy, and changes associated with menopause can leave your vagina dry and make sex painful. Plus, you may experience decreased libido. Urinary Changes Urinary tract infections may become more plentiful during this season as changes in this area of your body increase your risk for infections. Mood Changes Changes in levels of estrogen can make you feel grumpy or irritable. You may also find that you are more forgetful and that you have trouble concentrating. Dr. Pearlman is uniquely positioned to help you understand why you are feeling the way that you do and how you can begin to feel better even though you may be going through menopause. Lifestyle changes can certainly help, but bioidentical hormones may be your best option. Contact us today at Pearl MD Rejuvenation for a consultation in Toronto!
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