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Treat Dynamic Wrinkles with BOTOX

No matter how old you are, your face wrinkles when you make certain facial expressions. Lines show up around your mouth, eyes, and forehead. When we are young, these lines will fade as soon as we stop making the expression. As we age, they tend to stay around longer, making us look older than we feel. These lines are known as dynamic wrinkles. This is where having BOTOX® injections can help. This treatment can give your face the opportunity to relax, which allows it to smooth out and look refreshed. How Does BOTOX® Work? Using a purified protein solution, BOTOX® injections temporarily relaxes select muscles. As a result, dynamic wrinkles are able to smooth out. The first step is to come in for a consultation, where we will create a treatment plan just for you. Getting the actual injections takes very little time out of your day and results in no downtime. It will take the active ingredient in the injections days to be effective. The effects of this treatment last for multiple months. After this point, follow-up treatments are required if you are planning to maintain your improvements. Otherwise, regular muscle movement will return. Who Is the Ideal Candidate for BOTOX® Treatments? Anyone in reasonably good health that would like to do something about dynamic wrinkles should look into BOTOX®. You may have heard that it is something only done by older women, but that is not true. Both men and women love their results with this treatment, and it is being done in increasing numbers by those in their 30s and 40s. Many factors contribute to when dynamic wrinkles show up and there is no reason to wait to do something about it. These injections can also be used as a preventative treatment against wrinkles. Why Choose BOTOX® for Dynamic Wrinkles? BOTOX® has been extensively studied and there have been numerous clinical studies showing its effectiveness. More and more studies are currently being done to discover what else this versatile treatment can do. If you are looking for a safe and effective treatment for dynamic wrinkles, there is no option out there better researched. Now is the time to find out more about BOTOX® at Pearl MD Rejuvenation in Toronto and what it can do for you. Our staff is ready to answer any questions you may have about this treatment, including whether or not it is right for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
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