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Getting Started with PRP Hair Restoration

If you’ve reached your limit when it comes to dealing with your hair loss, then it’s time for a real solution. The truth is that medicated shampoos, serums, and supplements just don’t work, no matter what they promise. Yet just because you’re fed up doesn’t mean that you want to go through traumatic, invasive hair procedures that only leave you with scars and unnatural-looking hair plugs. The one true way to get your hair back is through PRP therapy. This state-of-the-art, modern procedure is both effective and non-surgical. Getting started with PRP hair restoration is easy. You are invited to learn more about PRP, how it works, and how it can give you back your own natural hair. How PRP Works Your blood consists of several different kinds of components. One of these components is something called platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. This specific part of your blood is full of proteins that are known as growth factors. It is these proteins that are responsible for healing cells and tissue in the human body. PRP therapy works in a very simple way: it uses a highly-concentrated dose of PRP in order to supercharge the healing response. A Closer Look at PRP Hair Restoration PRP uses your own blood. There are no chemicals, no grafts, and no hair plugs. PRP is able to get at the real cause of your hair loss, which is your malfunctioning, damaged, or aged hair follicles. The dose of growth factors and white blood cells your hair follicles will be flooded with will be able to heal them so that the area is able to produce hair once again. The PRP Procedure PRP therapy is also a simple procedure. First, we will need to draw a small amount of your blood, which we will place into a centrifuge so that we can separate your PRP in order to extract it. Then, we will create a stable serum that can be used on your scalp. There are no ill side effects associated with PRP hair restoration. The entire PRP procedure is performed in the comfort of our office, and then you can get back to your life right away. Results take a small amount of time to show up, because essentially, you are regrowing your own hair. Most patients make good candidates for PRP. If you are in the early stages of hair loss, suffer from alopecia, or are experiencing female pattern hair loss, then you could be an ideal candidate for PRP hair restoration. Take the First Step To get started with PRP hair restoration, schedule your consultation at Pearl MD Rejuvenation in Toronto. Together, we can come up with a treatment plan to get you back the hair you once had. Contact us today to book an appointment and get started!
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