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Eliminate Your Double Chin with Belkyra


Nobody wants to have a double chin. As such, many different over-the-counter products claim that they can eradicate double chins, but these creams and ointments rarely do anything other than moisturize the skin. Even though invasive procedures are a popular option for double chins, many patients aren’t ready to take weeks off of work to recover from cosmetic surgery. Belkyra® is a revolutionary new injectable treatment that is designed to eradicate submental fat. Instead of making incisions and physically withdrawing the tissue, these injections use a unique chemical that safely destroys fat cells so that your body can naturally metabolize them. Over time, your double chin will naturally begin to go away as the extra fatty tissue is expelled from your body.

The Truth About Submental Fat

In order to lose fat in other areas of the body, you are going to need to put yourself in a caloric deficit. That essentially means that you are burning more calories than you are consuming every day. Unfortunately, submental fat doesn’t always respond to dietary changes or strict exercise programs. You might maintain a caloric deficit for years without seeing any changes in this area. Even if you stay at a healthy weight your entire life, there is still a possibility that you will develop a double chin at some point.

The Science Behind Belkyra® Injections

Belkyra® contains a chemical called deoxycholic acid. This type of acid is naturally made in our intestines, and its primary purpose is to metabolize some of the fatty foods that we eat. Over the years, doctors have discovered that concentrated doses of deoxycholic acid can be used to break apart localized submental fat when it is injected just below the skin. Within moments of coming into contact with fat cells, this acid disrupts their membranes. Eventually, your body will naturally expel the damaged fatty tissue.

Treatment and Results

Every patient has slightly different needs, and that is why no two Belkyra® treatments are identical. Generally, however, the treatments only take minutes to carry out. The final results won’t be apparent for multiple weeks, but patients actually like this because it helps the results to look natural. Belkyra® injections physically destroy the fat cells, and that means the results can be permanent as long as you continue to stick to a healthy diet, exercise regularly and take care of your skin.

Make an appointment at Pearl MD Rejuvenation in Toronto to learn more about how Belkyra® can be used to eradicate your double chin. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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