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Belkyra Treatment in Toronto




Double Chin Treatment

You may have noticed it one day in the mirror and now you can’t stop thinking about; it’s there when you look at your reflection in the mirror or when you look at pictures of yourself — you have a double chin. And while this is not something to be ashamed about, you think you would feel so much more confident if you did not have to worry about your double chin.

At Pearl MD, we are proud to offer Belkyra as a double chin treatment to help our patients get rid of their double chin so they can look and feel their best!

What Is It?

  Belkyra is an injectable double chin treatment that can reduce fat under the chin (otherwise known as submental fat), thereby redefining your jawline — all without the need for an invasive surgery. Belkyra is made with synthetic deoxycholic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in your body. The deoxycholic acid destroys the fat cells in your body, which then allows the fat to be naturally eliminated.  

  What Can I Expect?

  Belkyra is a non-invasive procedure with no downtime, but you may experience redness, bruising or swelling after the double chin treatment. The treatment only takes a few minutes, but we recommend several sessions spaced about four to six weeks apart for the best effect.  

    Am I a Candidate?


If you have tried and tried to lose weight by eating healthy and exercising, but the fat under your chin will not leave no matter what you do, you may be a candidate for Belkyra. Double chins are not always directly related to your weight and it can be frustrating to feel so insecure about a part of your body — so if you are constantly bothered by the fat under your chin, call us today to see if you are the right fit for Belkyra.  

Contact Us

At Pearl MD, we understand that it can be frustrating to dislike certain aspects of your appearance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at our office in Toronto and we will be happy to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.  

Call us today!



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